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Description and operation of the IFS


Transport Act 9/2003 of 13th June authorises the Territorial Transport Authorities (ATM -Autoridades Territoriales de la Movilidad) to develop the fare policies for their respective public transport services.

The primary goal of the Integrated Fare System is to work towards positioning collective transport as a single, comprehensive system that can compete with private vehicle use, and to make the system more attractive to current and potential users.

The purpose of this initiative is to provide incentive to use public transport and remove financial penalties for transfers between different modes of transport through the use of the new integrated fare options, to provide a fare system that is easy to understand and to contribute to the perception of public transport as a comprehensive and united network

The Integrated Fare System allows users of the public transport network to travel by means of different modes of transport with a single fare card, which at the same time offers significant savings.

The new Integrated Fare System

On 31 March 2008, the Lleida Area ATM implemented the Integrated Fare System in the region of Segrià. The Integrated Fare System allows all users to take advantage of different means of transport using a single transport card. The system is easy to use and offers significant savings because it lets passengers complete a full journey (origin-destination) changing buses or trains as many times as necessary at no extra charge within a limited period.

In 2009, as new member organisations joined the ATM, the area of the Integrated Fare System was expanded to include the counties of Garrigues, la Noguera and Pla d'Urgell. In September 2009, the area of the Integrated Fare System was again expanded to include 70 additional municipalities, serving all of the towns in these three counties.

In September 2010, the ATM continues to expand the territory of the Integrated Fare System with the inclusion of the counties of Urgell and Segarra.

During the beginning of the year 2024, the ATM completes the expansion of the territory with the integration of the regions of Alt Pirineu, Aran and Solsonès with the aim of enhancing sustainable mobility, favoring the economic development of the territory and contribute to the fight against the depopulation of rural areas.

The Integrated Fare System is now in place in the counties of Noguera, Garrigues, Segrià, Pla d'Urgell, Urgell, Segarra, Pallars Jussà, Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Sobirà , Aran, Cerdanya and Solsonès with an approximate population of 434,000 inhabitants (242 municipalities) that make up the 4 travel zones. The means of transport with which users can move to the ATM are city bus services, intercity buses, railways and trains.


A single fare card allows the user to take advantage of different means of transport to get from one point to another. These fare cards are purchased according to the number of fare zones the user intends to enter.

The technology

The Integrated Fare System uses contactless smart card technology. With a singe card, users can charge different integrated fare options and validate them at any of the machines provided onboard the vehicles of any operator participating in the Integrated Fare System.

Contactless technology:

  • Increases the capacity for diversification of the Integrated Fare System.
  • Provides easier access to different modes of transport (200 ms s/c vs. 1500 ms magnetic strip).
  • Streamlines the use and processing of data obtained.
  • Makes using public transport easier (single basic card for all fare options)
  • Makes purchasing fare options easier (expanding the sales and recharging network).
  • Reduces expenses for the acquisition and maintenance of ticketing machinery
  • Reduces and controls fraud
  • Increases the reliability of validation systems
  • Improves transit studies
  • Employs a single technology for all modes of transport (integration and inter-operability).


It is a very simple system which allows users to move around easily within the Lleida area and which provides significant financial advantages. It allows users to go from point to point (origin-destination) changing buses or trains as many times as necessary at no additional cost within a certain period of time.

The travel time periods are:

  • One zone: 1 hour, 15 minutes
  • Two zones: 1 hour, 30 minutes
  • Three zones: 3 hour
  • Four zones: 4 hour, 15 minutes

How and where can I get the new integrated ATM card?

There are two types of fare cards:

Personalised fare cards: the back side of this card has the name, surname(s) and ID number of the user. These cards can be used for any integrated fare option.

Anonymous fare cards: these cards have no user information. These cards may be used for fare options T-10, T-10/30 and T-50/30.

You can get an anonymous card at the ATM Customer Service Centres or at any of the points belonging to the ATM sales network (kiosks, tobacconists, and other locations), which you can find in the different towns and cities of the Lleida area. There is an issue fee of €2.55.

You can get a personalised card at the main Customer Service Center located at Pl.Espanya, 1 - Lleida. They can also request them in a deferred manner at the other ATM Lleida Customer Service Centers. There is an issue fee of €3.60.

How does it work?

It’s very easy. When you get on an urban bus or interurban coach, hold your card up to the card reader. The technology used for the ATM card does not require that you touch the card to the reader; by holding it up to the reader the system automatically subtracts the fare for your journey. Every time you transfer from one bus or coach to another, the card must be validated again. T-10, T-10/30, T-50/30 and T-70/90 cards allow you to make a maximum of three transfers using different modes of transport in a single journey at no additional charge.

The time periods in which you can change your mode of transport within your journey are 1 hour and 15 minutes for one zone, 1 hour and 30 minutes for two zones, 3 hour for three zones, and 4 hour and 15 minuts for four zones.

How and where can I recharge my card?

You can recharge your card at the ATM Customer Service Centre or at any of the points belonging to the ATM sales network distributed throughout the municipalities in the integrated fare area and on board some of the interurban buses.

You can recharge a smart card any time before you have used the entire balance of the card or before it expires. However, if you want to change from one type of fare option to another, you have to wait until the card has a zero balance or expires.


All fare options expire in one month from the date they are first validated except the T-10 option, which is valid for one year or until the next change in fares.

Pl. Espanya, 3 entresòl
25002 Lleida
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