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What is the Lleida Area ATM?


The Lleida Area Territorial Transport Authority (Autoritat Territorial de la Mobilitat - ATM) is a volunteer inter-agency consortium made up of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Segrià Regional Council and the Lleida City Council, created under the provisions of Article 55.1 of Law 13/1989 of 14th December on the organisation, procedures and legal framework of the administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia and Article 6 of Law 30/1992 of 26th November on the legal framework for public administrations and common administrative procedure.


The consortium is constituted in accordance with the government agreement of 30th August, published in official governmental gazette (DOGC - Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya) number 4469 of 22nd September 2005.


The consortium was created for the purpose of coordinating the public passenger transport system in the territory of Ponent.


The consortium is governed by its statutes, its internal regulations supplemented by Law 30/1992 of 26th November on the legal framework for public administrations and common administrative procedure, Law 7/1985 of 2nd April on local government, Law 13/1989 of 14th December the organisation, procedures and legal framework of the administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and Legislative Decree 2/2003 of 28th April approving the revised text of municipal law and the local system of government in Catalonia.

Pl. Espanya, 3 entresòl
25002 Lleida
e-NOTUM Notificacions Electròniques